Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Turnitin Sign Up Directions

Turnitin.com is a site that allows students submit their papers electronically. It can also detect plagiarism very well by analyzing your paper against the internet. So, watch out! Students that plagiarize receive a zero, a call home, and office notification.

You can sign up and log in at http://www.turnitin.com/ using the directions below.

Class IDs: G4: 2311319 / W4: 2311321

1. Join our class at http://www.turnitin.com/ by clicking “New Users” at the top right side of the page.
2. Answer the question are you a student or instructor? by choosing “student.” Click “next.”
3. On the next screen, enter the number next to your class above as your Turnitin class ID and rossetti as the password. Click “next.”
4. Enter your email address. Click “next.”
5. Enter a case sensitive password (for example, paSS123 would be different than pass123) that must be 6-12 characters long, and contain at least one letter and one number. Click “next.”
6. Select a secret question and answer. Click “next.”
7. Enter your first and last names. Click “next.”
8. Click “I agree -- create profile.”
9. Read the page and click “end wizard and log in.”
10. From here, you will be able to access your student homepage. This is where you will submit your essays, use the discussion boards, etc.

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