Thursday, August 21, 2008 Discussion Board Directions

To Post on the Turnitin Discussion Board

1. Sign in to
2. Click “Discussion.”
3. From the discussion board page, click on the name or title of the assignment.
4. Click on the “reply to topic” button next to the discussion topic.
5. Enter the response in the reply box provided. By default, only the latest reply is shown.
6. Once the reply is entered, click on the submit “reply to topic” button to add the reply to the discussion. If the topic is moderated, the reply will only be posted after moderator approval. If it is not moderated, the reply will be posted immediately.

Responding to Previous Replies
Student users may also respond to the replies left by other classmates. This encourages discussion and can help students to polish opinions and ideas with the assistance of their peers.To respond to a reply rather than to the discussion topic, use the “reply” link to the right of the specific reply instead of the “reply to topic” link.

1. Keep your comments appropriate for class.
2. Keep your comments appropriate for ENGLISH class (no “r u gunna go 2mara?”). Capital letters and periods, please. You may want to consider typing your reply in Word first, and then copy/paste it to the discussion board.
3. Be respectful of all students; you can disagree with someone, but no personal attacks. The whole point of discussion boards is to hear various opinions on a subject.
4. Make sure you write an appropriate amount; a simple “I agree” will not earn credit. Post your own original thoughts and ideas. Paper Submission Directions

Submitting a Paper to

Student users of Turnitin submit papers to a class from the class portfolio page. The class portfolio page is viewed by clicking on the name of the class from the student homepage. The class portfolio page lists assignments created by the instructor for students to submit to.

Submitting a Paper
1. Start at the class portfolio page on the assignment list
2. Click on the “submit” icon to the right of the assignment name
3. Select “file upload” from the “submit a paper” by: pull down menu
4. Click the “Browse” button and select the file to upload. Fill in the “submission title” field with the paper name
5. Click “Submit” to upload the file
6. Review the preview panel. This is a text only version of the paper being upload­ed; pictures and formatting will probably be off. Confirm it is the correct version of the file to send.
7. Click “Submit Paper” at the bottom of the page

Warning: This step must be completed, or the submission is not finished. The paper will not be available to the student or the instructor

Acceptable File Types
Turnitin currently accepts the following file types for upload into an assignment:
· Microsoft Word™•
· Corel WordPerfect®•
· HTML•· Adobe PostScript®•
· Plain text (TXT)•
· Rich Text Format (RTF)•
· Portable Document Format (PDF)•

Note: Some document formats can contain multiple data types. This includes text, images, embedded information from another file, and formatting. Non-text information that is not saved directly within the document will not be included in a file upload. This includes references to a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet included within a Microsoft Office Word document.

Note: Users whose files are saved in a file type that is not accepted by Turnitin will need to use a word processing program to save the file as one of the accepted types. Rich Text Format and Plain Text file types are nearly universally available in word processing software. Neither file type will support images or non-text data within the file. Plain text format does not support any formatting, and rich text format supports only limited formatting options.

File Size
The file size may not exceed 10.48576 MB. Files of larger size may be reduced in size by removal of non-text content or the instructor may be contacted to request multiple assignments to submit the document in sections.

Note: PDF documents must contain text to be submitted. PDF files containing only images of text will be rejected during the upload attempt. To determine if a document contains actual text, copy and paste a section or all of the text into a plain-text editor such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit. If no text is copied over, the selection is not actual text.

Note: After the submission has been completed on step 7 below, a digital receipt is displayed in your browser window. A copy is also sent via e-mail to the address for the user login. It is important to use a valid e-mail address to receive this copy of the digital receipt. Save the receipt and the paper ID it contains, as this is proof of a completed submission.

Warning: If the digital receipt is not shown on screen after submission, return to the class portfolio page and view the assignment to ensure the paper submission completed correctly. Submissions can be checked and viewed by clicking on the title of the paper under the title column to the right of the assignment name.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer Reading

Since your summer reading projects will count as a quiz and a test grade, it is important that you are prepared to complete/submit all elements by the due dates. This is one of your first opportunities to show me why you chose an honors class. I hope to see your best work and hear what you have to say about the reading selections.

Download the Summer Reading Packet at Click on Summer Reading and select Freshman Honors English. If you have questions, email me at

Due Monday, September 8 (WHITE DAY) or Tuesday, September 9 (GREEN DAY): Free Choice Book Discussion

Bring to class on the above date:
1. Signed Parent Book Approval form
2. Your free choice book (keep it in class w/ you until you complete your book discussion)
3. Discussion question responses for Summer Reading Project #1
**You may type or print your notes; it should be about 2 pages (the length noted in the directions).
**Your notes should aid you in providing specific responses to the discussion questions.
**Your notes should not include outside research; they should be your impressions and recollections from the book you read.
**They DO NOT need to be in complete sentences. An outline or organized brainstorming (web, chart, etc.) might make it easier to find the detail you want more quickly.

Discussions begin and continue through next class
1. They will be timed to ensure fairness and good time management (5 minutes).
2. I will ask you questions based on the discussion questions and corresponding follow ups.
3. You will listen to the discussions of other students; disrespect will not be tolerated.
4. Though we will not get to all discussions on this day, you must be prepared to discuss your book as you will not be able to choose which day you will present.

Due Tuesday, September 16 (WHITE) or Wednesday, September 17 (GREEN): Holden’s Scrapbook (The Catcher in the Rye)

1. Follow all directions noted on the assignment sheet/document.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Turnitin Sign Up Directions is a site that allows students submit their papers electronically. It can also detect plagiarism very well by analyzing your paper against the internet. So, watch out! Students that plagiarize receive a zero, a call home, and office notification.

You can sign up and log in at using the directions below.

Class IDs: G4: 2311319 / W4: 2311321

1. Join our class at by clicking “New Users” at the top right side of the page.
2. Answer the question are you a student or instructor? by choosing “student.” Click “next.”
3. On the next screen, enter the number next to your class above as your Turnitin class ID and rossetti as the password. Click “next.”
4. Enter your email address. Click “next.”
5. Enter a case sensitive password (for example, paSS123 would be different than pass123) that must be 6-12 characters long, and contain at least one letter and one number. Click “next.”
6. Select a secret question and answer. Click “next.”
7. Enter your first and last names. Click “next.”
8. Click “I agree -- create profile.”
9. Read the page and click “end wizard and log in.”
10. From here, you will be able to access your student homepage. This is where you will submit your essays, use the discussion boards, etc.